When thinking about paying for therapy, please consider:

  • Using a health savings account to reimburse up to 100% of your fees for psychotherapy.
  • A cash payment may be claimed on your taxes as a medical expense. Talk to a qualified accountant about this.
  • A cash payment for therapy with a licensed therapist can, in most cases, go towards meeting your annual insurance deductible.
  • If your health insurance policy covers out-of-network services, I can provide an invoice for you to submit for possible reimbursement.


  • Payment is due at the time of service ​


  • Cash, checks, credit and debit cards are accepted.


  • $100 per clinical hour


  • Your appointment times are reserved for you, so I ask for at least a 24-hour notice if you cancel or reschedule. This will provide other clients seeking an appointment the opportunity to be seen.
  • You will be charged for the session for missed appointments if proper notification has not been given. If you become ill or have an emergency that prevents you from keeping your appointment, you may not be charged.
  • A $25 fee will be charged for bounced checks.